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Chris Evans And Ana De Armas Deserve Better

The biggest issue with “Ghosted” is that it starts off with a sweet and lightly funny first date, then fails to sustain the mood. Things gradually get more serious until there are barely any laughs at all. Evans does his best to be the comic relief, but he can’t help but show he’s more competent than your average non-CIA agent. Whether he’s shooting to give Ana de Armas cover or sliding down a mountain right next to her, he looks a little too good. Years as Captain America will do that, apparently. 

This would be forgivable if the movie let anyone besides Evans ever be funny, but no one really gets the chance. Ana de Armas doesn’t amuse much after the first half hour, which is solely focused on Sadie and Cole’s first date. The goons they’re up against and feds they consult with don’t have one humorous person in the bunch. That includes Adrien Brody, who plays a French outlaw who seems like he’d be good for at least a laugh or two. But he never delivers a line that could be deemed even slightly chuckle-worthy.

“Ghosted” tries to make up for this with cameos that spike the action. Three MCU vets and another famous actor offer some light comic banter in Pakistan, for example. These appearances offer a zap of pleasure from sheer recognition, but they also take you out of the movie. By the time Ryan Reynolds shows up for his cameo in the third act, it’s too little too late. These cameos may have worked better had the rest of the movie been given more of a loosey-goosey vibe, but instead, they stand in contrast to most of what’s happening.
