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Lil Uzi Vert's Insurance Thought He Was Trying To Kill Himself w/ Forehead Diamond!!

When Lil Uzi Vert had a forehead diamond implanted in his forehead, the rapper says his insurance thought he was trying to kill himself.

“This is actually the back post of it. I could sit it on here. When I was…It was pretty heavy, it was like ripping my forehead and I had to let it re-heal,” he said on the Scuffed podcast.

“I had to really get my sh*t together. My insurance tried to cut me off, they were like, ‘This kid’s trying to kill himself.’ Because we knew it was a piercing, my insurance looked at it like, ‘This kid just implanted this diamond in his head, and he’s gonna die.’ They’re retarded…I really had to call the piercing person and show them low-key everything that I got a piercing. It’s literally a piercing. But everything’s straight.”

The diamond was almost ripped off his face during a festival this summer, so he no longer wears it.

