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Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Jason Reitman Finally Addresses the Biggest Spoilers in the Movie

You know, we didn’t really talk about it. They put the suits back on and they felt very at home in them. They felt so comfortable. I remember Bill saying that ‘you put it on and you just immediately feel like a superhero.’ Which is interesting, because I’ve always thought of Ghostbusters as—not all of us are born looking like Thor, you know Not all of us are born with superpowers, but we can all put on the flightsuit, and I thought that was what was magical about the Ghostbusters.

You’ve talked in the past about growing up on the set of the first movie. What was it like for you now seeing them again in those costumes but now as an adult?

It’s funny because when I was on-set with like McKenna [Grace] and Finn [Wolfhard], I always thought I was making my Ghostbusters film. But as soon as I was on the set with Bill, Ernie, and Dan, I felt like I was a kid again on my Dad’s set. 

Dan is always such a well-spring of ideas when it comes to everything Ghostbusters. Did he have any input or ideas he pitched to you?

It was more about language. What I love about talking to Dan Aykroyd is the moment he starts talking, you feel like you’re in the verbiage of Ghostbusters. He has a way that only he speaks. He has read everything, he obviously has deep roots in science fiction and ghost folklore, and when he talks about it, he talks about in just a way that no one else talks. And you immediately just want to scribble everything down and put it in the movie.

Did you put anything he suggested in this movie?
